Economic Development

The City of Creswell employs a multi-faceted approach to community and economic development. We believe that sustained economic development and job growth comes from a mixture of three strategies:
Community Development - Making Creswell a better and more attractive place to live for our current and future residents. We believe that community development can occur without economic development, but that economic growth cannot occur without community development.
Business retention & expansion - We focus on making our existing, small businesses successful and helping them to grow.
Business Attraction - Providing incentives and eliminating barriers to attract new business to the Creswell area.
In addition, community and economic development is one of the City of Creswell's top priorities.
Creswell Strategic Goal 2: Build the City's capacity to support and attract businesses, create jobs, and position Creswell for sustainable growth.
Objectives and Actions
1. Create and implement an economic development plan
Revitalize downtown Creswell through beautification efforts, design standards, and targeted retail and small business attraction.
Leverage the City's assets and location to attract tourism.
Develop economic strategic for vacant commercial and industrial lands, including Bald Knob
Explore development and operating options at Hobby Field Airport.
2. Update the City's Comprehensive Plan
Determine whether and how to expand the Urban Growth Boundary
Update economic development policies
3. Explore implementation of an Urban Renewal Area
Explore alternative funding methods to provide adequate infrastructure to the Bald Knob site.