![Image of stocks and coins. Text reads "Finance](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/19254/file/2697600/86d66134-bf9a-4ad5-bd0d-180cdff8941a.jpeg)
Finance Department Overview
The Finance Department is responsible for providing timely and accurate financial information to the Citizens of Creswell, management, the City Council, the Budget Committee, and other external users.
Primary functions include accounting, budgeting, managing cash investments and debt service, accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial reporting. The Finance department oversees utility billing, airport billing, animal licensing, building permit payments, and municipal court payments.
While the City of Creswell has shown its commitment to financial transparency by posting financial documents on our city’s website, including the City of Creswell operating budgets, sometimes additional information may be sought out by citizens. Oftentimes that information is most easily understood through interactive charts and graphs.
The City of Creswell is providing actual historical budget data for public review. We hope to strengthen the connection between our local government and our community members.
Capital Improvement Plan
![Citi aerial picture](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/19254/file/2697612/cb431f24-09c4-41b4-9d05-12e66f1082ed.jpeg)
Capital Improvement Plan FY 2024-25
The Capital Improvement Plan is used to improve the City’s ability to forecast future funding needs and allocate its resources accordingly. It is based on the various long range plans, goals and policies of the City. Projects that will appear in the annual projects list include projects which:
Preserve existing infrastructure and publicly owned property.
Provide new facilities and infrastructure as a part of well-managed and orderly growth that is consistent with Statewide Planning Goals.
Enhance community livability.
The program provides a structure within which to prioritize proposed Capital projects with respect to community wide needs. It also enables the City to best match available financial resources to those needs.
The annual projects list is reviewed with the City budget and includes the annual Capital Budget.
Potential projects to address new capital needs or expand and enhance existing capital assets are derived from a number of sources. These include:
Functional plans such as the Transportation System Plan, Wastewater Facilities Plan or the Parks Master Plan,
Engineering studies or analyses such as the Water Master Plan
Requests from individual citizens, neighborhoods and community organizations;
Requests from other governmental units, such as school districts, federal, state and county agencies;
City departments; and
City committees and commissions.