Tonight's City Council Meeting is now live! Here is how you can stream it: Facebook: YouTube:
about 6 hours ago, Creswell Admin
We are live! Live stream the Creswell City Council Meeting and stay up to date about what is happening in our town. Facebook: City of Creswell. YouTube: @CityOfCreswell1909
The Creswell City Council will be holding their monthly meeting tonight at 6pm in Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
about 11 hours ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Council Meeting. 6pm in Creswell City Hall on Febraury 10th, 2025
Utility Bills are due today, Creswell! If you need to make a payment arrangement, please contact our Utility Clerk, Wendy, at 541-895-2531 ext. 301 or at
about 12 hours ago, Creswell Admin
Utility Bills are due on the 10th of each month! Here is how you can pay:  Online at, Call  Xpress Bill Pay at  1-800-720-6847,  Mail a Payment to P.O. Box 276 Creswell, OR  97426, In person at  Creswell City Hall 13 South 1st Street,  If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 541-895-2531 ext. 301, The Utility Payment Drop Box at Creswell City Hall
Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening in the Friendly City this week!
about 15 hours ago, Creswell Admin
This Week in Creswell. Feb 10: Utility Bills Due. Feb 10th: City Council Meeting, 6pm at City Hall. Feb 11th: Park and Tree Board Meeting, 9:30am at City Hall. Feb 12th: Water Rate Advisory Board Meeting, 6pm at City Hall. Feb 12th: Municipal Court, 7pm at City Hall. Feb 13th: Street Sweeper (North Side of Oregon Avenue)
We may have years of agendas and minutes in the archives on our website, but we know that sometimes you may be looking for something more. Send a public records request from to our City Recorder, Caitlin, at Public Records Request Form:
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
Are you looking for information? Submit a public records request through the City of Creswell! Our city recorder will be happy to help you find Creswell related documents! Please submit all public records request forms to Caitlin at
Have something that you need to report to the Lane County Sheriff's Office? Call the non-emergency line at 541-682-4150.
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
Need to report a crime? Call the Lane County Sheriff's Office Non- Emergency Number at 541-682-4150.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Creswell! Paisley wants everyone to remember to drive sober today!
1 day ago, Paisley
Safety Sundays with paisley. No matter who wins the Super Bowl today, make sure to only drive if you are sober! If you are too intoxicated to drive, as a friend for a ride home or call a cab!
Have you checked out our app yet? It is a wonderful way to receive notifications from the City while you are out and about! Download it now on the App Store or on Google Play.
2 days ago, Creswell Admin
Download the official City of Creswell App! Staying up to date on everything in the Friendly City has never been easier! Download on the Apple app store or get it on Google Play.
Everybody's favorite Border Collie turns 3 today! We are very thankful to have Paisley as our City Hall Greeter and are grateful for all of the joy she brings us!
2 days ago, Paisley
Image of Paisley the Border Collie, Text says "Happy 3rd Birthday, Paisley!"
Happy Saturday, Creswell! We hope you have a wonderful day today!
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Happy Saturday, Creswell!
Do you have something you would like to ask the City? Submit it to us via our online form! Link:
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Do you have a question for the City of Creswell? Send it to us via our online form!
Nobody loves City Hall more than Fern & Ivy! These girls pay our staff a visit at least once a week and love the place so much that they even show up after we've closed! Thank you to Patty M. for sharing this picture with us! We are thankful to have all three of you in Creswell!
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Image of two golden retriever dogs waiting outside of Creswell City Hall
Have a question about you water usage? Contact our Utility Clerk, Wendy, at 541-895-2531 ext. 301 or at
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Looking for utility information? Contact our utility clerk, Wendy, at 541-895-2531 ext. 301 or at
Happy Friday! Today's Creswell Hero is Michelle Melvin, Community Engagement Specialist for the Creswell Chamber of Commerce! If you would like to nominate someone for our Creswell Heroes series, just fill out this form:
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell Heroes #6 Michelle Melvin Community Engagement Specialist for the Creswell Chamber of Commerce Michelle Melvin serves as the Community Engagement Specialist for the City of Creswell, where she has the privilege of fostering relationships that strengthen the town’s businesses and bring the community together. With a genuine passion for supporting small businesses, Michelle works directly with local entrepreneurs, offering resources and connections to help them thrive As the Executive Director of the Creswell Chamber of Commerce and the manager of the Visitor Center, she is also involved in promoting tourism to showcase Creswell’s charm to visitors. Michelle is deeply inspired by the kindness and collaboration that define Creswell, and it’s this sense of unity that drives her daily efforts. Her work includes overseeing key events like the City-Wide Yard Sale, the 4th of July Celebration, and the Winter Lights Festival—each requiring extensive planning, coordination, and partnership with local vendors and organizations.  Ultimately, Michelle’s work contributes to Creswell’s growth, both as a business hub and as a vibrant community, and she is committed to continuing this impactful work for years to come.
Do you have emergency contacts? 📞 Put "In Case of Emergency" phone numbers into your phone. These numbers can be used by first responders in emergency situations. 📞 Teach your children how and when to call 911.
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Who is your emergency contact?
Did you know that all dogs that reside within Creswell city limits are required to be licensed with the City of Creswell? It's true! Stop by during our business hours with proof of current rabies vaccination and we can get you and your furry friend set up in no time!
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Get Your Dog Licensed with The City of Creswell! Rates I Year License (Neutered) $10 2 Year License (Neutered) $15 3 Year License (Neutered) $20 I Year License (Intact). $15 2 Year License (Intact) 3 Year License (Intact) $20 $30 Senior Rates (65+) I Year License (Neutered) $7 2 Year License (Neutered) 3 $9 Year License (Neutered) $14 Make sure to bring proof of current rabies vaccination!
Tomorrow is the final day to share what you would like to see in the next City Manager! Paper copies of our survey are available at City Hall and the Creswell Library or you may take it at this link:
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Creswell City Council is looking for the next City Manager and wants your input! Take a quick survey to share what qualities you’d like to see in the new City Manager. The survey is due by February 7th, 2025—don’t miss your chance to be heard!
Happy Thursday, Creswell! Paisley wants to thank all of the dog owners in town that licensed their pups during the month of January! Thanks to you, we have the highest January licensing total since 2020!
5 days ago, Paisley
Did You Know? The City of Creswell licensed 21 dogs in January! This is the highest January total since 2020! Keep up the good work and keep getting those doggos licensed! Love, Paisley
The Creswell Water Rate Advisory Board will be meeting on February 12th, 2025, at 6pm in the City Hall Conference Room. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
Water Rate Advisory Board Meeting. February 12th, 2025 Creswell City Hall 6:00pm
Today is the final day to submit your application for the Planning Commission vacancy! hose interested may submit an application to our City Recorder, Caitlin Born, in person at City Hall or at Application:
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
Be a voice in Creswell's growth! The City of Creswell is looking for a community member to fill a vacancy on the planning commission. This is your chance to help shape the city's future and influence its growth. Applications will be accepted  until February 5th, 2025. Apply today  and make a lasting impact!