Coffee With a Cop is tomorrow morning! If you are interested in learning more about what Creswell's local law enforcement officers are up to, this is the perfect event for you!
about 13 hours ago, Creswell Admin
Coffee With a Cop. Join some of creswell’s finest law enforcement officers for coffee and conversation! Saturday JuLY 27 BLUE VALLEY BISTRO 116 Melton Road 10AM-12PM NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. For more information, please contact sgt. Speldrich at
The Creswell Wastewater Regional Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 1st, 2024 at 1:30pm in the Creswell Community Center. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
about 12 hours ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell Wastewater Regional Committee Meeting. August 1st, 2024. 1:30pm. Creswell Community Center 99 SOUTH 1ST STREET CRESWELL, OR 97426
Looking for information about the City of Creswell's upcoming 2nd Street Reconstruction Project? Come visit our open house and get your questions answered! For more information, please contact our Public Works Director, Cliff Bellew, at 541-895-2395 or at
about 17 hours ago, Creswell Admin
2nd street project open house. Do you have questions or concerns about the city’s upcoming 2nd street reconstruction project? visit our open house to get answers! August 13th, 2024. 2pm to 4pm. creswell community center (99 South 1st st)
Happy Friday, everyone! It is once again time for Creswell Trivia! Do you know the answer?
about 21 hours ago, Creswell Admin
CRESWELL TRIVIA. Which Creswell Park is home to our Hiroshima Peace Tree? a: Holt Park b: Robinette-Hughes Park c: Garden Lake Park d: Bicycle Wayside Park
The latest update from City Manager Amberg has arrived! To receive these updates via email, message Michelle at July 26th, 2024 Update:
about 20 hours ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Manager Weekly Update
Our August calendar is here and more vibrant than ever! If you would like to have a paper copy, we will have them available at the City Hall information table starting July 31st!
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
City of Creswell August 2024 Calendar
Do you have about one minute a month to help make Creswell better? The City of Creswell is working with FlashVote to engage the community and gather input from residents to inform our decisions. We encourage residents to sign up here now:
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
Do you have one minute a month to help make Creswell better? Join your friends and neighbors and make your voice heard on important local issues. Just take a minute to sign up here:  Its free, fast and fun – you’ll get a short 1 minute survey every few months and you’ll get to see full survey results within 48 hours! Plus, FlashVote makes sure your feedback is always anonymous.   Your input will help the City make better decisions for everyone in the community. So what are you waiting for?  Don’t miss the first survey, coming soon, so sign up now!  Thanks for participating. We appreciate your help!
We are currently in wildfire season so it is super important to remember these tips and tricks to prevent wildfires.
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
5 Don'ts to prevent wildfires. Don't leave a campfire unattended. Don't burn dangerous things like aerosol cans, pressurized containers, glass or aluminum cans.  Don't leave coals until theyre doused and stirred until cold. Don't let your tow chains drag. Don't park over tall dry grass.
Does this dog belong to you? He was found on Evelyn Avenue around 9:10am and brought to City Hall at 10:15am. He is not neutered and the person that found him informed us that he is a biter. If this is your dog, please contact City Hall at 541-895-2531.
1 day ago, Creswell Admin
Image of a black, grey, and white dauchsand mix
Happy Thursday, Creswell! Paisley wants everyone to know that they simply must pay a visit to one of our parks, especially if it has ducks!
2 days ago, Creswell Admin
The City of Creswell Presents Paisley’s Ponderings. Take some time to visit some of our local parks! My favorite park is Garden Lake Park! I love it because there are some great trails, awesome places to sniff, and sometimes you will see some ducks!!!
Here is an update on The City of Creswell's upcoming Chip Seal Project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Public Works Director, Cliff Bellew, at 541-895-2395 or at
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
2024 CHIP SEAL PROJECT UPDATE.  The City of Creswell will be conducting a chip sealing of Creswood (up to the 500 block), North 2nd Street, and East Gilfry Avenue. This project will begin on September 13th, 2024 and is expected to conclude by September 24th, 2024. Those that are driving in the area should expect traffic delays and be on the lookout for construction vehicles, flaggers, and people at work. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Public Works Director, Cliff Bellew, at 541-895-2395 or at
Are your kiddos big fans of Bluey? We don't blame them one bit! Take them to the Eugene Emeralds Game on Friday, July 26th and they can see Bluey in real life! Tickets purchased through the QR code benefit Senior Meals on Wheels, too! Make a difference and make memories with your kids!
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Community Spotlight and Fundraiser benefitting Senior Meals on Wheels. Eugene Emeralds Game, $12 tickets. Special appearance by Bluey! Friday, July 26th at 6:35pm. PK Park, 2800 MLK JR Blvd in Eugene, OR
Happy Wednesday, Creswell! We hope you have a great day today!
3 days ago, Creswell Admin
Happy Wednesday, Creswell!
Did you miss last night's City Council/Planning Commission Joint Session? Never fear! Here is a quick recap!
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
City Council/Planning Commission Joint Session Recap. July 22nd, 2024
Opening/Pledge of Allegience. Mayor Stram opened the meeting at 6:00 pm. Councilor Smith was excused. All other Councilors were present. Planning Commissioners present were Seth Clark, Ellyn Mole, and Ed Gunderson. Mayor’s Report. Mayor Stram announced that he attended the Mayors' Conference in Klamath Falls and will be bringing some ideas from that conference forward in the future. Committee Reports: Administration and Finance Committee - Council President Costella reminded everyone to attended court no later than September 11th
Committee Reports (Continued): Public Safety Committee - Councilor Kent reported that the committee's plans for National Night Out are going to assure that it will be a fun family event. Transportation and Public Works Committee - Councilor Clark announced that she is working on a date for a committee meeting to discuss a crosswalk a A Street and 8th Street. Parks and Tree Advisory Board - A brief update was provided on bat houses and the pollinator garden. Airport Commission - Council President Costilla reported that the security cameras should be installed soon at the airport, the ham radio station is on hold, and the equipment purchase for the EOC is will resume in October. It looks like the new taxi lane will be turf initially in order to meet environmental requirements, the tie down policy should be done soon, installation of the new water system will start next week. The airport hosted a very successful ODART drill and Young Eagles flights on July 4th.
Committee Reports (Continued): LCOG (Lane Council of Governments) - Mayor Stram announced that there is no update.  LACT (Lane Area Commission on Transportation) - Councilor Clark reported that the Oregon Department on Transportation has announced the Connect Oregon grant is taking applications. Lane County is submitting three applications: Oakridge Airport, Green Hill Transfer Station, and Eugene Airport. She has toured all three sites. The most critical is Oakridge due to its potential use for wildfire relief. There was a Super ACT meeting where she met with legislators and discussed the grants. On August 1st there will be a meeting of the Oregon Transportation Commission where she will discuss Lane County needs.
Presentations: Wastewater Plan Update- West Yost  The engineers working on the City's Wastewater Plan Update provided the City Council with a PowerPoint presentation with four options for updating the wastewater treatment plant to meet DEQ permit requirements. The four options and their costs are: Regional Alternative - $48.4 - $51.6 million Membrane Alternative - $83 million Pond Treatment A Alternative - $89.5 million Pond Treatment B Alternative - $68.4 million. Discussion Items: Creswell Butte Overlay- Curtis Thomas and Planning Commissioners City Council reviewed the overlay with the Planning Commissioners and directed staff to bring it to the August 12th City Council Meeting for a vote.
Discussion Items (Continued): South Lane Recreation District Presentation- Samantha Duncan City Council would like to have more information on the proposed district before endorsing it for the ballot. Food Truck Ordinance- Manager Amberg City Council proposed amendments and directed staff to bring it to the City Council meeting on August 12th. LOC 2025/26 Legislative Priorities- Manager Amberg City Council chose the following five legislative priorities: General Governance Committee - Restoration of Recreational Immunity, and Behavioral Health Enhancements Broadband, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Telecommunications Committee - Cybersecurity and Privacy Transportation Committee - Transportation package Water and Wastewater Committee - Infrastructure Funding
We know that it is not uncommon for livestock to make their way into the road. When this happens, it creates a public safety hazard. If you see livestock on the road, call 9-1-1.
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Livestock in the road? Call 9-1-1.
The latest update from City Manager Amberg has arrived! To receive these updates via email, message Michelle at July 23rd, 2024 Update:
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Manager Weekly Update
The City Council Work Session is happening right now! Live stream it on the official City of Creswell Facebook page or YouTube channel.
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
We are live! Live stream the Creswell City Council Meeting and stay up to date about what is happening in our town! Facebook: City of Creswell. YouTube: @cityofcreswell1909
Heads up, Creswell! We are now at Fire Danger Level Yellow (High). Mowing is permitted until 10am and after 8pm.
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
Fire Danger: High. Mowing is permitted until 10am and after 8pm. For more information, please call  503-945-7200
The Creswell City Council and Planning Commission will be holding a joint meeting on Monday, July 22nd, 2024 at 6pm in the McCluskey Chambers in City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
City Council/ PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING. July 22nd 2024 at 6pm in Creswell City Hall
1. Mayor’s Report   2. Committee Reports       A. Administration and Finance Committee       B. Public Safety Committee       C. Transportation and Public Works Committee       D. Parks and Tree Advisory Board       E. Airport Commission       F. LCOG (Lane Council of Governments)       G. LACT (Lane Area Commission on Transportation   3. Presentations       A. Wastewater Plan Update- West Yost   4. Discussion Items       A. Creswell Butte Overlay- Curtis Thomas and Planning Commissioners       B. South Lane Recreation District Presentation- Samantha Duncan       C. Food Truck Ordinance- Manager Amberg       D. LOC 2025/26 Legislative Priorities- Manager Amberg   5. Adjournment
Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening in the Friendly City this week!
5 days ago, Creswell Admin
THIS WEEK IN CRESWELL. July 15th: City Council + Planning Commission Work Session Creswell City Hall 6pm. July 27th: Coffee With a Cop Blue Valley Bistro 116 Melton Road 10am-12pm. July 27th: Movies in the Park: Wonka (PG) Harry Holt Park Dusk (approx. 8:45pm)